Technology-based Support and Solutions

The Information Technology Services (ITS) Department supports our campus through the delivery of excellent information technology services to our students, faculty, and staff.

ITS Services


  • Password change, computer issues, software issues, AV issues contact the Help Desk (,
  • Self Service Password change for student e-mail:
    • Via myRam:
      • Click Student Portal
      • Click the myProfile link
      • Click the 白小姐论坛 email/password reset link (left side)
      • Take note of the Default Password
      • Click the Reset Password button
      • Your student e-mail password has now been reset to the Default Password. Use this to gain access to your account and then change your password to whatever you desire.
    • Via RAM ID:
      • Click on "New to RAM ID? Forgot Password?" button
      • Enter RAM ID Username (Student ID number)
      • Choose your 鈥淎uthentication Type鈥 and enter requested answer:
        • Challenge Answer, which will use your previously enrolled Challenge Answers.
        • 鈥淥ne-Time Password鈥 (OTP), which will send a message to either your (registered) mobile device or personal email.
      • Once the user鈥檚 identity has been verified either by answering Challenge Question or via OTP, the user will be prompted to set a new password.
      • For step-by-step instructions: 




  • Student printing: Ask your instructor for locations. Every location has its own process and procedure to print. You can also go to any Library site.
  • Enterprise Student Printing
  • :
  • (Konica Minolta Project) *Intranet access required*
  •  *Intranet access required*
  •  *Intranet access required*
  • Cabling Installation and Support
  • Data Center and Systems Services
  • Departmental Computer & Storage Resources (Virtual Machines, Shared Drives, Secure Network Shares)
  • Internet Access (WIFI, Wired)
  • OCI Cloud Infrastructure
  • Telecommunications (Phone, Fax, Emergency Phones)
  • Smart Classroom Technologies


Project name

Project description


Remote access VPN for employees

VPN solution replacement with Global Protect Palo Alto Networks VPN


Inventory of hardware, software, and licenses owned by ITS

Fixed Assets Banner module will be configured to manage District's IT assets


Email accounts' maintenance and retention practice directives

Practice directives describing email accounts' maintenance and email messages retention practices


Campus technology refresh

Identify and refresh legacy end users' workstations, classroom A/V equipment, and labs equipment


MFA rollout

Multi-factor authentication for employees


On-boarding/Off-boarding policies for employees

ITS needs the policy and automation reports developed to ensure on-boarded employees


Conversion from Data Connect to Ellucian Experience

Migration to Ellucian Experience SaaS


Identity as a Service Portal Guard IDaaS

Move RAMID to the AWS cloud


Decommission unused ARGOS reports

There are approximately 4,000 ARGOS report, need to analyze usage and decommission unused reports


Implement GOTO licenses for end users' support

Implement software for ITS support analysts to provide remote end users' equipment support



Student printing with Konica Minolta


KM printing for employees

Faculty and employees print services enablement from any printer, standardization on multi-function copiers and decommissioning of legacy printers, migration of existing printers to new system Equatrack


Labs authentication standardization

standardize on student logins and imaging software, printing software, and centralize domain controllers currently located in labs


Microsoft 2012 servers removal from service

2012 servers are end of life and need to be replaced as they are considered a cybersecurity vulnerability


Time and Effort form creation for one of the SIG reports

Need to be able to push the required form into Form Fusion


Windows 2008 servers refresh

Windows 7 Extended Security Updates (ESU) include security updates for critical and important issues as defined by Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) for a maximum of three years after January 14, 2020. Migration and decommissioning of all legacy servers by Fall, 2024


Banner document management AXRM migration to Output Transformation Server (OTS)

AXRM needs to migrate to OTS


Banner users permissions review and permissions classes organization

Identify current permissions, validate, and clean up existing settings. Standardize access to forms, queries, and reports based on department/position



Software to be used by DSPS as Student Information System


Specialized security systems for SFPD (cameras)

ITS doesn't have direct management of the cameras. This is a POC.


There is a time and effort module within BANNER that hasn't been turned on.

time and effort tracing for FreeCity needs to commence to address previous years' audit findings


Smart Classrooms

There are approx. 500 classrooms across campus, about 20% of them are smart classrooms. Classroom updates are planned for 20 Chinatown classrooms.


Fog server upgrade

The legacy server will be upgraded for ADA compliance


STEAM Infrastructure

Designing network infrastructure for STEAM building


DRT Infrastructure

Designing network infrastructure for DRT building


Student Success Building Infrastructure

Designing network infrastructure for the building


白小姐论坛 fiber lease renewal with City of SF

20-year lease is due for renewal in June, 2024


Cybersecurity Penetration Test

Sacramento CCC Chancellor's office sponsored 白小姐论坛 cybersecurity penetration test


DataCenter UPS

Broken UPS needs to be replaced


Automate student password reset via ChatBOT

Implement automated student email password reset via Rocky the RAM ChatBOT


Penetration test finding - Immediate p.16, p.60

Require SMB Signing on 636 devices


Penetration test finding - Immediate p.17

Enforce RDP Network Level Auth Safeguards on 91 devices


Penetration test finding - Immediate p.18

MS SMBv1 Protocol Remote Code Execution Vulnerability 9 systems to be patched


Penetration test finding - One Year p.19

CodeMeter RunTime Heap Leak & Denial of Service 2 systems affected


Penetration test finding - One Year p.19

Unsupported Software Mitigations (legacy software)


Penetration test finding - One Year p.23, p.62

Missing Patches (Unsupported Applications)


Penetration test finding - Three Years p.24

SMB Null Session Authentication 2 Windows shares on remote hosts


Penetration test finding - Three Years p.25

Consider Disabling Multicast DNS (mDNS)


Penetration test finding - Three Years p.26

Unsupported Software Mitigations


Penetration test finding - Three Years p.29, p.63

Missing Patches 


Simple Syllabus Banner integration

OLET requested Simple Syllabus integration with Banner

  • Information Security Coordination with City & County and fellow California Community Colleges
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Vulnerability scans and threat protection (Firewalls, IDS)

Employee O365 login required

  • Banner and Argos
  • BDM and SARS Anywhere
  • Computer Accounts for Employees and Contractors 
  • Email - Office365 and 白小姐论坛Mail (Google)
  • VPN (Remote Access)

ITS Standards
  •  *Intranet access required*
  •  *Intranet access required*
  •  *Intranet access required*
  • Smart Classroom