Program review is a student-centered, evidence-based, and data-informed process of cyclical evaluations and analyses of programmatic performance, accomplishments, and needed improvements that contribute to student success. Comprehensive program reviews are submitted once every 3 years. Annual plans are submitted during intervening years.

Annual Plan

  1. Curriculum Currency*
  2. Assessment Currency*
  3. Resource Requests*

3-Year Program Review

  1. Unit Description
  2. Data Trends
  3. Progress on prior plans
  4. Planning objectives for next 3 years
  5. Curriculum Currency*
  6. Assessment Currency*
  7. Resource Requests*  
Key Dates & Tips

Annual Plans include curriculum currency, assessment currency, and resource requests. 

  • Create your annual plan in CurriQunet. For Fall 2023, choose review year 2022-23. If you already selected a different review year, simply change it to 2022-23. 
  • Past program reviews and annual plans are available for reference through the.  Please select 'program reviews' under the 'courses' drop-down to search for completed reports.
  • Please refer to the  for an overview of budget development timelines and connections.
  • Annual Plans must be submitted by January 23rd for funding consideration.
  • For additional help, see .
Comprehensive Program Review (CPR) Archive

During Fall 2022, departments and programs used the . Please refer to the 2022 for detailed information, see also for guidance provided on Supplemental U-Fund and new Full-Time faculty position requests. The Guide includes many 鈥淨uick Links鈥 on page 5, including a link to the .

NOTE: The Program Review Committee created Google doc templates for department to use to develop and share answers to the CPR prompts. Templates were provided to each program lead or department chair.  Final CPRs were submitted via CurriQunet.

Annual Plan Guidance
*Answer Every Year
Instructional Programs Only

Title 5 requires departments to review all curricula (courses, certificates, degrees, sequences) in each program for currency, relevance, content, and requisites every six years (for CTE departments, every two years). Please review the data on your currency (showing a list of all activity from last year, all courses and programs that are one year from losing currency, and all courses/programs out of currency) and comment below. Please address how well your department is meeting this requirement.

Please review the Curriculum Currency Report attached to your Annual Plan.  In a short narrative, address the following:

  • Program updates 鈥 Briefly describe plans to ensure all programs are updated at least once every 6 years and maintain integrity and accuracy.
  • Course updates 鈥 Briefly describe plans to ensure all courses are updated at least once every 6 years.
  • Addendum updates 鈥 Briefly describe plans to ensure all Distance Education and Honors Addenda are updated at least once every 6 years and maintain integrity and accuracy.
Notes & Suggestions
  • To access curriculum currency in CurrIQunet, initiate your Annual Plan then click on the Report icon 馃搫 to view the Curriculum Currency Report. Note: Don鈥檛 forget to scroll down and check the status of your programs.
  • You can also use Argos to view a list of all your courses with their outline dates and last time offered.
  • For general rules regarding dates for maintaining currency and offering frequency, see Curriculum Committee resolution from 鈥淓nsuring the Currency and Accuracy of the College Catalog.鈥
  • CTE Departments: Address in particular any currency and relevancy adjustments made in response to input from advisory committee, LMI and Core Indicator data, and SLO/PLO assessments.
Extra question for CTE Departments only

Title 5 requires every CTE department or program to have an Advisory Committee that meets at least once per year. Please describe your advisory committee -- its membership, when it last met, and links to or locations of agendas/minutes (provide URL if located on a website). Please address how well your department is meeting this requirement. 

Please confirm that your Advisory Committee has met in the last 12 months (Y/N).

*Answer Every Year

Please comment on how you are currently satisfying assessment benchmarks.  

After reviewing the Assessment Currency Report attached to your Annual Plan, in your narrative response address these items:

  • Aggregate assessment reports - Address plans to ensure that all courses and programs are assessed at the aggregate course level (across multiple semesters and SLOs) 18 months prior to planned curriculum updates.
    • Which courses are being updated in the next 18 months? Which certificates and majors are being updated in the next 18 months? Do they have a current assessment in place? If not, who will assess them?
  • Service assessment reports - Address plans to ensure that service outcomes are assessed at least once every three years.
    • Which service outcomes will be assessed in coming year?
Notes & Suggestions
  • To access assessment currency in CurrIQunet, initiate your Annual Plan then click on the Report icon 馃搫 to view the Assessment Currency Report.  
  • For Student Affairs and Academic Services: please follow the three year assessment cycle established for Student Service Outcomes (SSOs).
  • For Instructional Departments: the three year requirement for aggregate assessment of courses and programs has been extended to six years. Aggregate assessments are based on CRN-level assessments conducted for every course each semester. Looking across multiple years should make your aggregate assessment work more meaningful, serving as a prelude to curriculum development and in particular, SLO and assessment revisions at the course and program level. An aggregate assessment should be completed sometime in the 18 months prior to submitting course/program outline revisions.
  • All assessment activity prior to Spring 2015 happened outside CurrIQunet, therefore Assessment Currency Reports don't include that activity. If you need to access reports prior to Spring 2015, search the archives for  and 
*Answer Every Year

Describe your requests for resource allocation. Put projects in priority order.

Guidance by Request Type
  • Facilities 鈥 Many facilities requests do *not* need to go through program review. Submit a work order through to request for preventive maintenance and reactive repairs valued at less than $15,000Use annual planning for maintenance requests not fitting the above criteria or for requests involving new/changed facilities. Include location/building designation, room number, or grounds area.
  • Technology (IT and Ed Tech)  Similarly, many technology requests do *not* need to go through program review. For faculty computers (replacements or for new faculty) and replacement of department networked printers, email Use annual planning to ask for upgrades to computers in computer labs, as well as other software/hardware needs. Software can also be included here. IMPORTANT NOTE: These requests in particular will be reviewed for sharing and leveraging possibilities across departments and areas.
  • Equipment (not IT) 鈥 If requested equipment requires assistance from Buildings & Grounds, e.g., requires a new power source or wiring, requires water or sanitary sewer connection, requires removal of waste gas or air, or requires connection to the fire alarm system, please clearly indicate so in the Request Overview section, making sure to include site information.
  • Classified Staffing 鈥 You do not need to include recently vacated positions; these will be considered through the VRG process. Please only include new requests (if any) that are clearly linked to a project you are proposing for consideration.  (Vacancy Review Group)
  • FPAC 鈥 Full-Time Faculty Positions - See Chancellor memo with Guidance
  • Reassigned Time 鈥 These decisions are not made through the Annual Plan process *except* when necessary for categorical projects and not part of regular faculty duties. For more information about categoricals see Matrix below.
  • Professional Development 鈥&苍产蝉辫;Conference and workshop attendance is not getting funded through annual planning processes. Please exclude from Annual Plans.
  • Supplies and Lower Budget Items 鈥&苍产蝉辫;For any items under $200, please discuss with your Dean or Supervisor before including in Annual Plan.
  • Lab Aides 鈥&苍产蝉辫;These decisions are not made through the Annual Plan process *except* when necessary for categorical projects. For more information about categoricals see Matrix below.
Notes & Materials
  • Most important for any request type 鈥
    • Be sure to describe what the resource will allow you to do. What need or gap are you trying to address?
    • Rather than operations, keep the focus on improvement initiatives and ideas.
    • Share ideas about activities across areas/departments/offices and reference those conversations in your requests.
  • Priorities, Plans, and Accreditation Standards for Reference 鈥
  • Additional Categorical Materials and Supplemental U-Fund Guidance 鈥

DEPENDENCIES can be used to indicate linked resource requests that depend on each other (example: computer lab and lab tech manager). Use judiciously to avoid unnecessarily complicating the evaluation of your resource requests.

ASSESSMENT REPORT LINKS can be used to associate resource requests to assessment reports submitted the previous year.