Articles about Universal Design, Accessibility and UDL
Higher Ed Gamma: Educational Equity for Students with Disabilities. (2021, September 28).
By Steven Mintz
Topics of disabilities, accessibility, universal design principles, academic accommodations, fairness, and equity are discussed and examine in this article.
Accommodations and Universal Design | DO-IT
By Sheryl Burgstahler (University of Washington)
A discussion of how the implementation of good universal design, especially in education, can benefit 鈥渁ll students, promotes good teaching practice, does not lower academic standards, and minimizes the need for accommodations鈥 (para. 2).
Universal Design vs. Accommodation | DO-IT
By University of Washington
This article explains what universal design means, in terms of learning and for accommodations.
Center for Academic Innovation: Accessibility, Accommodations, Universal Design and UDL 鈥 oh my! (2020, February 7).
By Beth Hale and Heather Mariger
This page describes the difference between accessibility, accommodations, Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
Accessibility vs. Accommodation | Accessible U. (2022, January 1).
By University of Minnesota
This page explains and discusses the importance of accessibility and accommodation.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: Disabled in Higher Ed | Interviews. (2021, May 5).
By eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd
This article discusses some of the challenges experienced by disabled people in academia, such as the 鈥渓ack of diversity in academia need to include the needs and experiences of students and staff with disabilities鈥 (title introduction).
Ableism 101 - What Is Ableism? What Does It Look Like? (2019, December 12).
by Ashley Eisenmenger
This article provides information on what Ableism is, what it looks like, how to recognize it, and what we can do to fix it.
Disability Is Diversity
By UC Santa Barbara
This page provides resources on the depth, complexity, politics, and history of disabled individuals. 鈥