The $7 Student Activity Fee Makes A Difference

When you register, you have the option to pay a $7 student activity fee. It may seem mysterious — your seven bucks are gone and you have no clue where it went or how it benefits you. That money doesn't just disappear; it makes a difference in the lives of students on your campus.

Your $7 Supports Programs Such As

If you wish to opt out of paying this fee, please complete the Request to Reverse the  and it will automatically go to the Student Activities Office for processing.

Help Make City College A Better Place

Paying the student activities fee is one way to contribute, but it's not the only way. We need your ideas and input on what works or does not work for you at City College. We know City College could use some improvements, so why don't you get involved in changing it for the better? We'd like to see your participation in clubs, events, council meetings, speaking in campus committees, volunteering, and telling us what changes you want to see.

Associated Student Council meeting agendas are posted at their respective locations. All meetings are open to all students and your input is always encouraged.