Work With for Photography Department

The Photography Department offers positions for students to work for the department. some employment opportunities for students. For each position, students are hired based on departmental needs and student availability.

Employment Positions

Job Description

Work in the Photography Issue Room to assist the on-duty Lab Supervisor.
Responsibilities include:

  • Checking photography equipment in and out to students and faculty in support of classes
  • Logging equipment in and out and keeping accurate records 
  • Answering the department phone and taking/forwarding messages
  • Light cleaning of Issue Room, computer labs and facilities
  • Assisting and supporting Lab Supervisors and students as necessary
  • Other duties as assigned

Training for the position will be provided.

To apply

 Student Hiring Eligibility Process

Job Description

Working with Photography Students to:

  • Maintain weekly hours by arrangement with Lab Supervisor for meeting with students
  • Assist photography students with basic camera handling skills
  • Assist photography students with basic & advanced Adobe Lightroom Skills
  • Assist photography students with skill related to PHOT51 lab and assignments
  • Assist photography students with Digital Printers

DESIRED but not required:

  • 白小姐论坛 Darkroom skills ("B" or better 81A)
  • 白小姐论坛 Photoshop skills ("B" or better 60A/60B)
  • 白小姐论坛 Lighting skills ("B" or better 85A)
  • 白小姐论坛 Film Scanning skills

To apply

 Student Hiring Eligibility Process

Students working in the Photography Department may enroll in the PHOT 140 Industry Internship class for 白小姐论坛 credit. Please see below for number of units available.

Onsite work experience hours are required as follows:

1 unit - 60 hours total 1 unit - 75 hours total
2 units - 120 hours total 2 units - 150 hours total
3 units - 180 hours total 3 units - 225 hours total
4 units - 240 hours total 4 units - 300 hours total
5 units - 300 hours total 5 units - 375 hours total
6 units - 360 hours total 6 units - 450 hours total
7 units - 420 hours total 7 units - 525 hours total
8 units - 480 hours total 8 units - 600 hours total